a superb viewの例文
- on a spring evening , on the rooftop of nanzen-ji temple , goemon ishikawa , a legendary bandit with designs on all the treasure of japan , is composedly smoking with a pipe and viewing the cherry trees which are in full bloom , and says his famous line: " what a superb view , what a superb view; that man , saying that a moment of a spring evening is worth one thousand ryo (monetary unit ), was a person of really small , small caliber; for this moment , i would spend ten thousand ryo , hundred million ryo " ( ' a moment of a spring evening ' refers to the famous phrase of a chinese poem " 春夜chunye " by 蘇軾su shi; in the original , it is ' one thousand gold ' 春宵一刻値千金 ).
南禅寺の南禅寺伽藍の屋上、天下をねらう大盗賊石川五右衛門は煙管を吹かして、「絶景かな、絶景かな、春の宵は値千両とは、小せえ、小せえ、この五右衛門の目からは、値万両、万々両」という名台詞を吐き、夕暮れ時の満開の桜を悠然と眺めている。 - on a spring evening , on the rooftop of nanzen-ji temple , goemon ishikawa , a legendary bandit with designs on all the treasure of japan , is composedly smoking with a pipe and viewing the cherry trees which are in full bloom , and says his famous line: " what a superb view , what a superb view; that man , saying that a moment of a spring evening is worth one thousand ryo (monetary unit ), was a person of really small , small caliber; for this moment , i would spend ten thousand ryo , hundred million ryo " ( ' a moment of a spring evening ' refers to the famous phrase of a chinese poem " 春夜chunye " by 蘇軾su shi; in the original , it is ' one thousand gold ' 春宵一刻値千金 ).